Friday, May 23, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Well I said good bye to 6 of my day care kids yesterday. Today I have one and will say good bye to her. I am so glad that I have gotten to be apart of their lives. I am also glad that I have developed a friendship with the moms so that I will be able to go and visit. After 7 years of doing day care I am finally moving on. It is a sweet sad day. Here is a picture of all of us. All these kids are realated except for the blonde boy on the end. The three kids to the right of me are siblings. Gabrielle is 7 1/2 and Matthew is 5 1/2 and Danika is 1 1/2. The two boys to the left of me are brothers. Ethan is 3 1/2 and Michael is 10 1/2. The boy on my lap is Lance he is 2. The boy on the end is Isacc he is 3 1/2.

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